GFSI Certification Schemes

QIMA/WQS is authorized to conduct audits required to achieve certifications under a number of internationally recognized food safety, quality and sustainability schemes.

About GFSI Recognized Certification Schemes

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) was established in 2000, bringing together stakeholders of the global food industry to collaborate on advancing food safety. Today, a number of food safety programs, standards and initiatives are recognized by the GFSI as meeting the requirements of its Benchmarking Requirements.

While the GFSI itself is not a certification program and does not carry out any accreditation or certification activities, GFSI recognition lends authority to the respective schemes, acting as a "food safety passport" in the global marketplace.

QIMA/WQS is accredited to conduct audits for members of the food supply chain seeking certification under a number of GFSI recognized international schemes, including BRCGS, SQF, PrimusGFS, IFS, and GLOBALG.A.P. Certification to a program recognized by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) is seen as a stamp of approval and a signal of strong food safety standards.


BRCGS is a scheme designed to harmonize food safety standards across the supply chain. This scheme is focused on building trust and confidence throughout the supply chain.

QIMA/WQS offers certification under the BRCGS Global Standards for the following members of the food supply chain:

  • BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety: for food producers (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, aquaculture), food packing and processing facilities, food service organizations
  • BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials: for manufacturers of packaging materials for all types of products, including food and non-food
  • BRCGS Global Standard for Storage and Distribution: for storage, warehousing, logistics and transport providers, agents and brokers

Find out more about BRCGS certification


The GLOBALG.A.P. standard was developed to assure consumers that food production at the farm level minimizes the negative impacts of agricultural operations on the environment, and employs a responsible approach to the health and safety-related matters of the employees, and animals.

QIMA/WQS offers certification under the GLOBALG.A.P. scheme for farmers and food producers in the following areas:

  • GLOBALG.A.P. IFA (Integrated Farm Assurance) – Fruit and Vegetables
  • GLOBALG.A.P. Hop (HO)
  • GLOBALG.A.P. + Add-on 
  • GLOBALG.A.P. Produce Handling Assurance Standard (PHA)
  • GLOBALG.A.P. Produce Safety Assurance (PSA)

Find out more about GLOBALG.A.P. certification

SQF - Safe Quality Food Program

Recognized by retailers and foodservice providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management system, SQF is the only GFSI recognized scheme to integrate a quality component as well as food safety. The program links primary production certification to food manufacturing, distribution and agent/broker management certification. Using the SQF certification program will help reduce assessment inconsistencies and costs of multiple assessment standards.

QIMA/WQS offers SQF certification for all members of the food supply chain, under the following scopes:

  • SQF Food Safety Fundamentals: for small and medium sized suppliers who want to implement or improve their food safety management program
  • SQF Food Safety Code for:
  • Primary Production
  • Food Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing of Food Packaging
  • Storage and Distribution
  • SQF Quality Program: for sites that have already implemented a successful, robust Food Quality Plan

Find out more about Safe Quality Food Program certification

IFS Food Standard

The IFS Food Standard is a GFSI recognized standard for auditing food manufacturers. It is focused on processing foods and loose pack food products, or whenever there is a risk of food contamination during packing. By focusing on senior management responsibility, productive systems, managing resources, and pre-planning processes, it offers a robust system for maintaining the integrity of your product. This scheme is useful for all types of food product manufacturing, especially regarding compliance with customer requirements and specifications.

QIMA/WQS currently offers certification under the following IFS standards:

  • IFS Food: for food processing and food packing companies (including private labels), covering all activities related to processing, handling and primary packing of loose food products
  • IFS Progress Food: for retailers and industry branded food products, with a focus on supporting small businesses in the development of food safety management systems (including as a first step towards implementing the IFS Food standard);

Find out more about IFS Food Standard certification


PrimusGFS is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized audit scheme for the certification of produce sector products - from growing operations to minimally-processed (fresh-cut) produce products. The scheme is endorsed by over 7,000 organizations and provides total produce supply chain coverage.

QIMA/WQS offers certification under the PrimusGFS scheme for businesses operating in the fresh produce sector, including:

  • Farms (ranches)
  • Indoor agriculture (greenhouses)
  • Harvest crews
  • Storage and distribution
  • Cooler/Cold storage
  • Packaging house
  • Processing

Find out more about PrimusGFS certification

Why Choose QIMA/WQS For GFSI Recognized Certification Schemes?

  • A team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, ready to deliver end-to-end solutions to your business.   
  • Specialized in the food industry, with a structure designed to facilitate and expedite the complex certification process and support you every step of the way.  
  • QIMA/WQS with local experienced food auditors approved for multiple schemes specializing in all food safety quality areas. 
  • More than 9,000 satisfied clients at every stage of the food supply chain.