IFS Progress Food

IFS Progress Food is a program that supports companies to gradually develop food safety and quality processes in their management systems, and assists with the first steps towards implementation and subsequent IFS Food certification.

If you understand that your company needs to move towards a GFSI-recognized food safety certification, but feel you need support to implement a robust management system, the IFS Progress Food program may be the right fit for you. 

IFS Progress Food is also a program used by retailers and food companies to manage their suppliers. So, in addition to helping companies develop their management systems, it will enable them to meet the expectations of their customers.

What are the steps in the IFS Progress Food Program?

  • Self or pre-assessment: A voluntary self- or pre-assessment using the entry-level or intermediate checklist is performed to allow the company to decide its level of entry into the program. The checklists as well as other information about the program are available for free download on the IFS website. Depending on the result of this assessment, the company can proceed to step 1 (entry-level or entry-level+APPCC assessment), step 2 (intermediate-level assessment), or step 3 (IFS Food certification). 
  • Basic Level or Basic Level + HACCP assessment: QIMA/WQS is approved to conduct a non-accredited assessment of the company according to the requirements specified in the basic level or basic level + HACCP checklist. The technical requirements at this level comprise approximately 35% of the key elements of the IFS Food Standard.
  • Intermediate level assessment: QIMA/WQS is approved to conduct a non-accredited assessment of the company is according to the requirements of the intermediate level checklist, which comprises the requirements of the basic level plus and approximately 20% of the elements of the IFS Food Standard, totaling 55%.  
  • Certification according to the IFS Food Standard by QIMA/WQS: An official accredited assessment is carried out according to the IFS Food Standard. 

Since stages 1 and 2 are considered transition stages, it is recommended that the period of stay in each stage should not exceed one (1) year. The objective is that the assessed company achieves the requirements of the IFS Food Standard within a maximum period of three (3) years. 

What are the IFS Progress Food criteria?

  • Food safety and quality management system: This block consists of requirements related to specifications, traceability, incident management, control of non-conforming product, corrective action, management responsibility, record keeping requirements, general documentation requirements, control of measuring and monitoring instruments, training, procedures, complaint handling, product analysis, contractual agreement and supplier acquisition and approval, and performance monitoring.
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs): In this block, the company must ensure the implementation of Good Practices, such as personal hygiene, facility environment, cleaning and disinfection, product contamination control, pest control, water quality, employee facilities, waste management, storage and transportation, and facility and equipment maintenance.
  • Food Hazard Control: In this block consists of requirements related to HACCP (preliminary tasks and the seven (7) principles of the Codex Alimentarius), allergen control and food defense (food defense).

Why choose the IFS Progress Food program? 

  • To provide a valuation program for small and less developed companies.
  • To establish a uniform, consistent and differentiated rating system;
  • To provide a tool to support the continuous improvement process of the organization.
  • Ensure comparability and transparency throughout the supply chain.
  • Reduce costs and time for both the manufacturer as well as business partners.
  • Provide a systematic approach to achieve the IFS - Food Standard (if appropriate) within a defined timeframe.
  • Have access to resources developed by IFS, such as the unique IFS database, the IFS Audit Manager application and the IFS Pathway, which is an interactive platform full of technical content.

Why choose QIMA/WQS for the IFS Progress Food program?

  • A team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, ready to deliver end-to-end solutions to your business.   
  • Specialized in the food industry, with a structure designed to facilitate and expedite the complex certification process and support you every step of the way.  
  • QIMA/WQS counts with local experienced food auditors approved for multiple schemes specializing in all food safety quality areas. 
  • More than 9,000 satisfied clients at every stage of the food supply chain.