
QIMA/WQS, as a certifying body for products, processes and services, has its legal entities accredited by different accreditation bodies.

QIMA/WQS has its legal entities accredited by the following accreditation bodies, being:


ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) 

WQS LLC (Accreditation ID #1226) is accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) for BRCGS Food, BRCGS Storage & Distribution, BRCGS Packaging Materials, GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Fruits & Vegetables and Hops, GLOBALG.A.P. HPSS, GLOBALG.A.P. PHA, GLOBALG.A.P. PSS, PrimusGFS GAP & GMP, SQF and IFS Food.

The ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) is a non-governmental organization that provides accreditation services and training to public- and private-sector organizations, serving the global marketplace.

The scope and version of WQS accreditation can be found in our current accreditation certificate on the ANAB website. 

QIMA Brasil Ltda


QIMA Brasil Ltda (Accreditation ID OCP 044) is accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services by the Cgcre (Coordenação Geral de Acreditação do Inmetro) for the certification of Unidades Armazenadoras em Ambiente Natural - Instrução Normativa MAPA nº 29, de 08/06/2011, GLOBALG.A.P. IFA F&V, GLOBALG.A.P. IFA PY and GLOBALG.A.P. CFM.

Cgcre (Coordenação Geral de Acreditação do Inmetro) is the only accreditation body recognized in Brasil.

The accreditation performed by Cgcre is voluntary and represents the formal recognition of the competence of a Certification Body to develop their activities according to the established requirements.


QIMA Brasil Ltda (Accreditation ID CP 036) is accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services by INN (Instituto Nacional de Normalización de Chile) for the certification of meat for the Chilean Market for the following schemes: Carcasses category, Cattle category, Slaughterhouse of origin, Transportation of meat, Naming of meat cuts, Meat refrigeration.

The main functions of INN Accreditation Division are: to operate the accreditation processes, according to established regulations and procedures; to supervise accredited conformity assessment bodies; to coordinate with government agencies for accreditation in the regulatory area; to disseminate the National Accreditation System and promote its use; and to update the directory of accredited conformity assessment bodies.