Only pertinent to the Brazilian market
The HACCP Seal is a solution that attests to the company's commitment to promoting the distribution of safe food that is totally free from risks to human health. The organizations that adhere to this program gain recognition for their social commitment, meeting legal requirements and respecting ethical premises in the food sector. This seal conveys transparency, credibility and integrity. To earn it, the company needs to undergo a thorough audit carried out by specialists. In this analysis, it is possible to observe whether the company complies with all the required standards. To maintain the seal, audits are carried out annually.
Through a systematic approach to food safety, other quality management systems are also used as prerequisites. The combination of this entire process becomes a tool capable of acting on potential hazards to food safety, establishing control and monitoring measures. Following logical principles and steps, industries are able to identify and manage critical risks, and this realization helps to establish preventive and corrective production processes. In addition, food safety management demonstrates the company's commitment to stakeholders, including its consumers, and to comply with legislation requirements.
QIMA/WQS HACCP audits are referenced to the Codex Alimentarius and are conducted at planned intervals by qualified auditors. A certificate is issued to the company and, within the program, other analyzes are periodically carried out so that the company maintains its status as a certified organization.
The following industries are qualified to apply for the Food Safety System Seal - HACCP:
Processed foods, raw materials or ingredients for the food industry; Food service companies, restaurants and buffets; Primary products such as fruits and vegetables; Food for pets.
Because it offers an opportunity to show the market and consumers the strict auditing and certification process your company has undergone; The identification is applied to the product packaging and communicates clearly and directly with the consumer; Gain prominence on the shelf; Stands out from competitors; Large retailers and food industries prioritize working with suppliers and producers that already have food safety protocols in place; It makes the company more transparent and aligned with ethical and sustainability values that govern today's global market.
Our team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain is ready to deliver quality end-to-end solutions for your business.
Specialized in the food sector, with a structure designed to start your service quickly and be available to answer any questions that may arise along the way.
Experienced, multi-program approved local auditors specializing in all areas of food quality and safety.
More than 9,000 satisfied customers at all stages of the food chain are proof of the quality, dedication and success offered by QIMA/WQS.
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